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Man and Computer 人类与电脑 Write an essay entitled Man and Computer by commenting on

2024-07-16 18:00:34来源:
导读 【#Man and Computer 人类与电脑 Write an essay entitled Man and Computer by commenting on#】1、正确答案:The computer...
【#Man and Computer 人类与电脑 Write an essay entitled Man and Computer by commenting on#】

1、正确答案:The computer has become an indispensable part in man"s life. While it has brought great convenience to us its rapid development has also aroused much concern about whether it will one day think like man or even worse whether man will think like the computer. In my judgment although the computer may have incredible intelligence and can take the place of human labor in many fields it is unlikely that it will take the place of man someday. A computer has no independent thinking and therefore it can never really think like man. However with the frequent use of and the increasing reliance on the computer there is indeed a danger that some people may think and act the same way as the computer which is programmed. They may lose the ability to think critically and reactively and eventually develop some "programmed routine" in their behavior neglecting the rich subtleties of human feelings and emotions. Therefore while making good use of the computer we should always bear in mind that it is only a useful tool for us and that we can always think of better and more humane ways of coping with our needs or problems.这是一篇主题句分析型习作。





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